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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How much is B$360 to your monthly saving up to 10 years

Seems to be along time that I didn’t add stories here with regards to the benefits of using i-charge. It has been a busy day huh!!....three kids alwyz around the corner, everyone trying to get the best attention from their dad 27/7, that’s how busy it can be JJJ.

Here we go, read this somewhere about i-charge, the product did awarded by the Car Good of The Year 2006 by the Car Producer in Japan. But again, nothing is true without, we personally experienced the true benefits what it does.

The price for each unit would be B$308 (excluding custom tax in Brunei and postal charges by the courier), please refer for the market price. For Bruneian, we selling it for B$360 cash and carry (we had 2 units left for grab), the price include the custom tax and courier charges from Malaysia (Asian market HQ).

Saves your car petrol!!! Doesn’t sounds affect us in Brunei?? Some people might think that able to save B$50-B$200 per month is nothing. But, try to free your mind and put that amount to other investments, funds, insurance, extra pocket money or treats your family & kids for dinner. Or maybe, if you are kind enough, but one unit i-charge as a gift for your family members, so that they could save some money.

Why wait!! Get your own i-charge now and save $$$.

SMS (+6738610277) or email us on A quick response is guaranteed.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.


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